The Marine and Property Assistant works under the direction of the Marine and Property Manager. For full details please select Marine and Property Assistant.  Please submit resumes to Heather Erven, email: businessmanager at

The assistant position will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of club equipment and facilities attached to the Harbour, Boat Yard, Clubhouse Yard, Outbuildings and Structures, Docks and Service Docks, Sailing School, Dinghy Park and Drysail Docks, the Clubhouse and all fixtures and amenities and other duties as needs arise.

Assists in managing that Nepean Sailing Club is consistent with the Club’s Letters Patent, By-laws and policies and in compliance with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws, regulations and by-laws. Provides advice, recommendations, support, reports and other materials to the Marine and Property Manager or Business Manager, as required.

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