We’re all anxious to get this season underway, right?  Me too.  As we start to thaw out, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be careful in and around your boats, the snow underneath is anything but level, melting fast and probably quite slippery
  • The yard gate for vehicles (East Side) will be operational once the snow and ice are clear from the yard.
  • James Pole has dropped the annual “when is the Harbour melted?” mark (see photo below).  eMail James with your best guess when that mark will be floating free….
  • There are some Yellow Anchor-marker ropes on “D”, “E” and Dry Sail dock that are marking new anchors installed this winter. We will move the ropes out of the way of docking as soon as the ice melts.
  • A special note that the electrical power in the Yard will be shutoff on Monday the 28th of March for some repairs.
  • Its only about 145 days until the Annual Harbourmaster’s Race.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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