Work is already underway in the Yard and Harbour to prepare for Fall and Haulout.  There are important milestone dates for Member Boat-Owners in the Harbour, Park and Trailer Launch areas.

October 15: The Park is scheduled to close and be “compressed”  to it’s winter storage size. Dinghies that have permission to be stored in the Yard for winter must be on serviceable trailers or dollies. The Park crew can always use extra hands on that day, please contact if you can help out.

October 17: The Trailer Launch area is scheduled to close.  TL Boats that have permission to be stored in the Yard for Winter must be on roadworthy trailers.  All other TL boats should be moved off the property.

October 18: Starting at 08h00, hard-working volunteers will be laying out cradles for the Club’s commercial haul-out.  Until the work is completed, pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the Yard will be significantly restricted.  Please stay clear of the working area which will be marked with caution tape.

October 20 – October 21: Member Boat-owners using commercial haulout are asked to ensure their cradles are set-up and level.  All of the cradles are placed in an exact location, please do not move them.

October 22: Commercial haul-out starts at 08h00

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