Haulout is just around the corner and there is always a lot to be done in preparation for the big fall event of the season. Notices about yard issues, yard layouts and dates applicable and any other info we can give you will be posted on the web in a dedicated “Haulout” section – this is all information to help you, so please take the time to have a look-see at what’s there.  If you’d like to use the club commercial haul out please get in touch with Julie in the office.

As the Rear-Commodore has noted, there are a few important dates and yard issues you need to pay attention to so as not to be surprised when you come to the yard and go looking for your tender or trailer or find your boat moved – or to find yourself locked out of the yard when you want to work on your boat!

In addition, there are some early prep things for those using the club’s commercial haulout on October 29th. First and foremost – check the haulout list to ensure you are on the list and have paid!  Next, check the haulout notice on the web or the club notice board for a reminder of what needs to be done when to be ready for haulout day.

If your boat is over 10,000 lbs, you cannot haulout with the club cranes – so get on the list. If you are less than 10,000 lbs and want to come out with the commercial cranes on October 29th, feel free to sign up – just contact the office to pay and get on the list.

To check if your boat is on the list please select HAULOUT.  Please send an e-mail to  launch-haulout@nsc.ca with any questions about the day.

The Sailing Season is just about over – be prepared.

Randy Wiseman

Haulout Coordinator

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