Despite the contradicting advice of two Canadian groundhogs, NSC is on the road to Launch.
Haulout was last October 31, 2015 and our next Launch is set for May 7, 2016. 94 days since Haulout, 95 Days to Launch. Things are looking up people!
Despite the contradicting advice of two Canadian groundhogs, NSC is on the road to Launch.
Haulout was last October 31, 2015 and our next Launch is set for May 7, 2016. 94 days since Haulout, 95 Days to Launch. Things are looking up people!
Nepean Sailing Club is bringing Easter fun. Bring all the kids for games, snacks, and so much more! Tickets go on sale Monday, March 13. Get you free tickets here.
Did you know that NSC not only houses some 700 boats, but almost as many purple martins and that their “condos” were built by one of our very own? Find out more on our web page about NSC’s purple martins. During the bird banding sessions on July 8 & 15, we expect hundreds of baby…
Did you know a bunch of local sailors have been raising funds for several years now for camp for kids with cancer? Why not become a Solo Sailor and join in the fun and skill building to help raise funds and awareness for Campfire Circle? Never solo sailed before? We can help you!
On July 8 and 15 over 100 visitors attended the banding of NSC’s purple martins, Peter Huszcz, NSC’s “Purple Martin Man”, reported. He informed the Telltale that 261 nestlings were banded, up 30 from 2022.
Update 2014-05-21: As of May 21st, water levels are within a few centimeters of the near record peak reached last year. However, in 2013, the peak was reached May 1st. Now, at 59.74 m, the water level is more than 50 cm
Congratulations to Hugh McGugan on his election to Sail Canada Board of Directors.