The NSC main posts & Navigation pages are available in handheld format for several devices.
As of 18 Nov 2009, the supported devices are: android, aspen, blackberry9500, blackberry9530, cupcake, dream, incognito, iphone, ipod, opera mini, webmate, and webos.
When you load the main nsc page on your Iphone, you will first see the main page posts. Click the upper right down arrow to get a menu of the Main Navigation pages.
You can switch to regular web view by clicking the Mobile Theme Switcher On Button at the bottom of any page.
Web browser users who you are using a real browser like Firefox: if you want to see what an iphone display looks like, install the User Agent Switcher plugin, select “iphone” and reload the page.
Thanks to Warner Monteiro for the WordPress WPTouch and the User Agent plugin tips.