April 26:  https://nsc.ca/web2/blog/winter-speaker-new-datewed-apr-26-sailing-a-unique-way-to-explore-the-world/

Or use this Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sailing-a-unique-way-to-explore-the-world-making-your-dream-real-tickets-606692472517


Due to the storm last week, Dominic Goodwill’s presentation about all the ways to boat and sail at NSC was rescheduled for Wednesday, April 12. It is full steam ahead for 2023. Lac Deschenes has 42km of water and a great 6-month season – and we are ready to go.

We have extensive cruising, racing, fleet training and volunteer participation opportunities, all already organized for you.

Dominic will outline all the ways you can participate, whether on not you own a boat, whether you are an old salt or just starting out.

If you want to race, did you know that we continue to offer the largest club racing program in North America? Last year, we delivered 350 races in partnership with our friends at Britannia Yacht Club.

Dominic is the Fleet Captain at NSC. That means he facilitates all organized boating activities (except sail training and able sailing). He works with 30 core volunteers in the Fleet Committee, 100’s of volunteers overall, and 7 fleet staff.

Dominic races his J/80, which is a 27-foot keelboat with an asymmetric spinnaker, and his Albacore, which is a classic 15-foot dinghy.

Dominic is an experienced and enthusiastic sailor, but has never claimed to be good at it. He knows that you should win the start and then extend, and hopes to achieve that one day. He is glad that the Ottawa sailing season only lasts 6 months, as otherwise he would never get home.

He believes that the more boaters participate, the better will be the boating life on Lac Deschenes. He believes that high-quality Fleet programs are the pinnacle of the NSC member experience. His favorite event is Turkey Trot because of the variety of boats and members that participate, but one-design racing is awesome too.  Find him at fleet@nsc.ca

This presentation is part of the NSC Winter Speaker program , which promotes ongoing learning about all things nautical, as well as cruising and competitive sailing.

Our contributors and organizers are all volunteers, and they and our audience come from clubs and organizations bordering both sides of the Ottawa River.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.

To register and/or donate, please click here.

The presentation starts at 7.30 pm in the Harbourview Room. The Galley restaurant and bar opens at 4.30pm so that you can enjoy a meal and/or beverage before we start!

We will also be live streaming to our YouTube channel if you do not plan to attend in person. This is where you can also find recordings of previous Winter Speaker sessions.  If you choose to attend by YouTube  we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will both enable you to test, and provide useful information about upcoming events. During the live stream, you can use the chat function to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.

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