Day 3, Sunday, October 18th: The third and final day of the Sunday afternoon Frostbite series finally lived up to its name, as the temperature rose from an overnight low of -5°C, peaking only at 2°C mid afternoon. Snow showers greeted sailors as they rigged their boats! It was certainly not a day for fair weather sailors, but for those that dressed for the weather, it was actually quite a nice afternoon on the water. 21 keelboat crews made it to the start line and enjoyed some good racing with shifty and variable winds out of the northwest at 6-15 knots. The Race Committee ran two more “W” course races, to complete a full 6-race series. Racing was again finished before 4:00 p.m., as crews headed to the bar for drinks by the fire, and to reminisce about another great season of sailing. Results are posted here.

Day 2, Sunday, October 11th: Thanksgiving Sunday was a mild 19°C under bright sunshine, for the second day of the Sunday afternoon Frostbite series. With winds out of the Southwest at 10-18 knots, crews worked up quite a sweat as the Race Committee ran two more “W” course races, to complete 4 races of the 6-race/3-day series. Racing was finished before 4:00 p.m., allowing most to enjoy a drink on their boats, or on the deck, before heading off for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner.

Day 1, Sunday, October 4th:
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon for the first day of the Frostbite series, which runs Sunday afternoons, October 4, 11 & 18. With temperatures around 14-15°C, the shifty Easterly at 7-13 knots challenged both the Race Committee and the competitors, but the RC managed to get in two W courses, with the last boats finishing about 4:15 p.m. Twenty-nine keelboats, and seven dinghies/catamarans made it to the start line to enjoy some friendly racing and the beautiful fall colours.

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