The NSC Frostbite Series runs Sunday afternoons on the first three Sundays after weeknight racing ends*, which this year is October 4th, 11th & 18th. There are two races per day, with the first warning signal at 13:30, per Part F2 of the Sailing Instructions. There will be separate starts for PHRF, JAM and Dinghies.

Though not absolutely required, if you intend to race in the Frostbite series, please send an e-mail to scoring at nsc dot ca with the following information (you can cut & paste text below into your e-mail message):

    Boat name:
    Sail number:
    Boat type:
    Fleet: PHRF or JAM or Dinghies (delete what doesn’t apply).

Note that a valid race registration should have been previously submitted (i.e. for regular weeknight racing), and keelboats must have a valid PHRF handicap.

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