Over two months since the AGM and past the halfway point to spring Launch 2017… must be time to talk sailing and boating again! Your 2017 Fleet Committee has been active these past months laying the foundation for another great season of fun and competitive club sailing.

As noted in my annual Director’s Report, 2016 was a particularly active year for club sailing activities of all types and members on the water.  Thanks in part to the dedicated volunteer investment by many of our fellow members.  And so the challenge and fun begins anew to see what’s in store for 2017.

Fleet Committee: I’d like to welcome our new Fleet Committee volunteers for 2017; Kit Holmwood (Women’s Sailing), Paul Place (5O5 and Youth), Mike Thompson (PHRF Div I), Colin Mombourquette (Chief Handicapper & Registrar), Jenn Holliday (Chief Scorer) and Rick Nelson, Rick Anderton (‘RCs R Us’ Liasons). We also have a number of new event Chairs as identified below who have stepped-up for 2017.  Please remember to thank them all for getting involved on your behalf!

If you’re interested in being part of shaping the program, or helping out on any number of club sailing events, please contact me at fleet@nsc.ca.

Development Priorities:  As part of the club’s annual strategic plan, Fleet has set the following priorities for 2017, with the linked goals of enhancing participation in sailing, the program, and the club.

  • Attract broader demographics (Young Adult, Female)
  • Onboarding of new crew and skippers
  • Fleet mentoring for skills development
  • Boost social and fun factors throughout
  • Develop the volunteer pathway for our Officials.

2017 Sailing Calendar: Hugh Morrin has already published the confirmed NSC events including sailing on the NSC Events Calendar.  Check out what’s planned at NSC for 2017!  The BYC/NSC Interclub Race Series and Sailing calendar is being finalised and will be published with the Sailing Instructions in April.

Crew Bank: For those looking for either sailing crew or crewing opportunities this year, the NSC Crew Bank is now live!   This is a great resource for matching interested and qualified sailors and skippers whether it be for day sailing, cruising, or on race nights.

Weekday Sailing: The NSC member’s Weekday Sailing group is planning on meeting up on Tuesday’s again this season to organise afternoon social sails.   For more information on joining in, look for them at this year’s Nautical Garage Sale and for future Telltale notices in the spring.

Race & PHRF Registration: As you’re reading this, you should have received the 2017 Race Registration and PHRF-LO renewals form along with your Mooring Invoices. To register your boat for 2017, please fill out the Race Registration form and mail it in to the NSC office, or scan and email the form to Colin Mombourquette, Chief Handicapper/Registrar.

2017 RC Volunteers: The NSC online Race Committee Volunteer sign-up calendar is now live! Volunteering for RC is a fun way to spend a night on the river and watch the action, so sign-up early to get your preferred dates! If you plan on racing weeknights, each participating boat is required to contribute to RC duties.

PHRF Sail Measuring & Race Q&A Session: For anyone who has sails that need measuring, or who needs help completing their PHRF Application, there will be a PHRF Sail Measuring session on Saturday afternoon, April 8th.  Club handicappers and representatives will be on hand to answer any questions on PHRF handicaps and the Interclub racing program.

North U. Seminar: Gerry McGrath is arranging with North U. an Ottawa rules and tactics seminar instructed by champion Geoff Moore and hosted at NSC, April 9th.  This is a fabulous opportunity to obtain professional education on the racing rules of sailing and tactics. Stay tuned for further details.

2017 NSC Regattas: The NSC Regatta chairs have pulled together their core teams and have started planning for this season.  Dates for our major 2017 interclub regattas so far include;

  • Ottawa Skiff & Cat Grand Prix, June 3/4 – Chairs: Matt Davidge, Martin Kobetic
  • Nepean One Design, June 17/18 – Chairs: Mike Thompson, Peter Norwood
  • National Capital Cup, July 8/9 – Chair: Sara Shima
  • FANFARE, September 9/10

In the coming months, members of Fleet will be finalizing changes to the 2017 Interclub Sailing Instructions, advancing our Regatta and major event planning, and putting in place the final touches for the start of another great NSC sailing season.

Just think, only 2.5 months left till Launch and the NSC Ice Breaker Series starts!

Ross H. Ernst
Fleet Captain 2017

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