120 members gathered to celebrate the sailing season and race winners at the 2023 NSC Fleet Awards Night, on 18 November.

Hugh Morrin was awarded the Commodore’s Cup for significant contributions to competitive sailing at NSC. “Whether it’s youth sport, adult, or Olympic level, people like Hugh make sport happen in Canada.” Hugh took 46 different people sailing on his C&C 27 this year, including his skilled race team and many newer sailors. He showed them the ropes to improve their skills and hook them on sailing and racing. His nominators call it “the Blue Zulu school of sailing”. Hugh has for many years been the backbone of the club’s series racing operations.

Andrew Clifford in Tanzer 22 Catherine won the Boole Trophy for Sportsmanship and Tenacity. He led a new team that competed in all their available series races this year, whatever the sailing conditions.

In a surprising turn of events, the notorious Dumper’s plaque went to a larger boat. Georges-André Chaudron won with C&C 27 Xel-Ha, for crossing the finish line at Midnight Madness in a full-on broach in pitch darkness with 7 people aboard.

Didn’t pick up your award yet? Collect it from the office, or at the Fall Information Meeting on 6 December.

Check out the full list of keeper winners, trophy winners, and Fleet’s season overview. The NSC Trophy Gallery and the Winners Search page are now up to date.

Thank you to Kit Holmwood, Peter Norwood, Eric Bramwell, Matt Davidge and the Galley staff for creating a memorable evening.

Hugh Morrin winning the NSC Commodores Cup 2023 for contributions to competitive sailing
NSC awards night 2023 many trophies ready to be awarded
NSC awards night 2023 after dinner scene

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