The 2017 FANtastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) took place on the September 9 & 10th weekend.  31 boats registered in five dinghy/cat classes. As usual the Lac Deschenes’ wind conditions were challenging but our excellent RC team lead by Hugh McDowell managed to run the nine scheduled races.

Winners in the five classes were:

Albacores – Douglas & Kay Marsh – This team from the USA has attended almost all the FANFAREs since its establishment over 25 years ago.
505s – John Bryant & Ron Hughes, Ontario and Fleet 4 Champions
Fireballs – Rune Lausten and Pete Van Rossen, Ontario Champions
Open Catamarans – Matt Davidge (Princess) & Matt Soosalu
Youth 420s – Katie Jenkins & Cameron MacDonald.

A big big thank you to the volunteers involved: Hugh McDowell, Race Committee Chair and his team: Kirk Robertson (BYC), George Clayburn (BYC), Maryetta McDowell, Rick Anderton, Wynn Davis; Mario Poirier, Mark Boat and his team Gilles Chercuite, Rick Nelson; Gerry McGrath, Chief Judge; Josh Foster, Scorer; Evelyn Simpson, Registration; Warner Monteiro & Pete Norwood, Website and Online Registration; Brent Beninger, Prizes.

Fanfare is dinghy/cat regatta hosted annually at NSC on the 1st weekend after Labor Day. Every year a different NSC’s dinghy/cat fleet takes the responsibility of organizing the event, this year it was the 505s. In 2018 it will be the turn of the Fireball Fleet.

Getting involved in organizing this event is great way to meet sailors from the other fleets.

Marie Gendron, 2017 Regatta Chair and 505 Fleet member

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