FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) offers a full weekend of Dinghy and Cat racing, 12 and 13 September 2020 at NSC. Register now. Fireball, 505, Albacore, Laser, Laser Radial, Open Skiff / Catamaran. Boats from Ottawa-Gatineau area clubs only.

Boats from Nepean SC, Britannia YC, CVGR, Lac Deschenes SC, Kanata SC, CVGR and Gatineau River YC are welcome. Everyone on a boat must be from the same social circle, as defined by the Ontario Government.

Registration for FANFARE is open, and only $30. Classes need to register a minimum of 5 boats by 17:00, Tuesday, September 9 for Class eligibility. So check out the notice of race, register early, and prepare for the FAntastic FAll wind conditions at NSC.

See you at FANFARE 2020!

Paul Place, FANFARE chair

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