From Britannia-Rideau Power & Sail Squadron – In the past 20 years the world of marine navigation has undergone profound technological change.

We’ve seen the introduction of precise positioning systems, electronic charts, tablets, laptops, smartphones and more. Surely all this technology is making the life of every navigator easier. Or does it just make things different? What do you need to know before you set sail? Let’s take a look behind the curtain and see how some of this stuff works.

Our guess speaker, Paul Holroyd, is a graduate of the Carleton University and has been with the Canadian Hydrographic Service for over 30 years. He has worked in cartographic research, systems and software development, including Ocean Mapping, Electronic Charting, Nautical Publications and Distribution. One of his many pursuits outside the office is camping and kayaking, and like many boaters, he is still trying to figure out how to keep his electronics dry when out on the water.

As you plan your next boating season, attending this seminar might be very useful. So please come join us March 6th at 1900 Hrs at the Britannia Yacht Club.

Coffee and cookies, $10/ person.

Thank you for your support of this Squadron initiative.

David Root, Commander
Britannia-Rideau Power & Sail Squadron

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