NSC has once again been accepted as a host site for Doors Open Ottawa, which will take place on June 1st and 2nd from 10 – 4 each day. To make this event a success, the PR team is once again looking for a bit of help from members. Specifically, we are looking for guides who can take people around and share the warmth of the club with guests. Shifts will be from 10 – 1, and 1 – 4 on both days, and volunteers will be provided with a script and notes to work from. What’s mostly needed is pride and affection for the club, and a willingness to share that with others.

If you’re available, or can think of someone else who might be interested, do let me know at nsc-publicrelations at nsc dot ca.

This is such a great way for us to share who we are with the larger community. Last year, the event was another success -despite the weather, over 100 people came by, and everyone raved about the hospitality and warmth of the guides and the members at the club. I’m hoping we can repeat that success again this year.

Many thanks,
Wendy Zatylny
PR Director

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