The Nepean Sailing Club is once again proud to be a host venue for the Doors Open Ottawa event happening Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. NSC is one of more than 120 locations that will open its doors to the public and provide tours to interested residents.

In past years, the Club has welcomed hundreds of visitors to see what the clubhouse and the facilities are all about. If you are around the Club on the weekend and see some new faces, please be sure to welcome them and answer any questions they may have.

Also, there will be a few young faces who will be selling lemonade on the deck as part of the 2016 Cardel Homes Lemonade Standemonium in support of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. So if you get a little thirsty from being on the water or working on your boat please visit the stand!

Paula McCooey
Public Relations Director

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