We will be closing the Dinghy Park on Saturday October 21, one week before Commercial Haulout of the keelboats.  We have to clear the west end of the Dinghy Park, rows P, Q & R, moving any dinghies in winter storage to the S-T alley.

If you are not storing your dinghy at the club this winter, please remove it from the yard by the end of Saturday Oct 21.  Otherwise it will be moved into winter storage, possibly inaccessible until spring.

We are calling for volunteers to help with this as well as some other light duties. It should take less than 2 hours

If you can help, please be at the Dinghy Park at 9 AM Sat Oct 21.

Please let me know by email if you will be there.

Thanking you in advance

Norm Dafoe
Dinghy Rep, NSC Harbour Committee

If any questions or confirmation of your participation, please contact: Norm Dafoe, 613-884-9345, ndafoe@rogers.com.

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