From long time NSC members — PLEASE READ & SHARE —

My name is Greg Dargavel. My wife, Pam Hopkins-Dargavel, is a former nurse who is in liver failure because she contracted hepatitis C through an accidental patient needle stick at a local hospital. I can’t find the words to describe how hard it is for our children, Ryan and Meagan, and me to see Pam get sicker every day. (Updated CTV article here. Citynews interview here.)

If you’d like to ask the experts questions about becoming a living liver donor, contact the University Health Network Centre for Living Donation in Toronto at

The UHN Centre for Living Donation hosts a monthly on-line information session for Potential Living Liver Donors. The next one is on Tuesday, August 23, 12 – 1 p.m. View the event information here.

Please forward this message to anyone you know who might be willing to help. We will need someone brave and generous to give the gift of life. If you use Facebook, the post to share is here.

Thank you so much to anyone who applies and anyone who spreads the word. All of us working to help Pam are deeply grateful to you.

The Dargavel Family are looking for a living liver donor to save Pam's life
The Dargavel Family are looking for a living liver donor to save Pam’s life

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