The Crew Table is the place to pick up a ride on a race night. Skippers will often look for crew if they are short. All members are welcome, but we extend a special invitation to new, and potential, members to try this out. New for 2016: for Wednesday dinghy and catamaran racing, a Crew Table is in the tent next to the sailing school. For keelboat racing, the most western picnic table under the tent, just to the west of the club, has a sign on it designating it as the Crew Table.

For those who might decide at the last minute that they want to race that evening, this gives them a good place to meet up with skippers who are short of crew. Ask skippers walking to their boat if they need any extra crew.

Most skippers head out to their boats between 5:00 and 5:45 p.m. (maybe a little earlier after Sept 1st); if you’re looking to catch a ride, or in need of a crew, that’s the place to be. Weeknight racing encompasses the following:

  • Mondays: Women’s PHRF, both with and without spinnakers.
  • Tuesdays: PHRF with spinnakers.
  • Wednesdays: Dinghies and catamarans.
  • Thursdays: JAM (no spinnakers) and One-Design (with spinnakers)

It’s always better to make prior arrangements, such as by using NSC’s on-line Crew Bank. But for those other times when you need a boat, or crew, at the last minute, we invite you to try this option.

For more information about NSC’s racing program, please contact Ross Ernst, the Fleet Captain.

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