With Winter fast approaching, NSC is changing access protocols to the clubhouse to allow members and their guests to enter the club by either of the main floor doors during bar hours (ie. Wed – Sun). This change will take effect on Wednesday, 24 November. A host will be stationed at the main entrance to verify vaccination status, conduct COVID screening and provide access control.  Please treat this employee of the club respectfully as they are there to help your club comply with provincially required COVID protocols.

These new measures will allow members and their guests to access the Club from the ground floor entrances, instead of the deck. It will also allow members and their guests to use the inside staircase and elevator to access the washrooms and upstairs lounge.

The East and West deck stairs will be roped off and members and their guests are asked to only use the two main ground floor doors when they enter and leave the clubhouse.

All members and their guests entering the NSC clubhouse to use the lounge, bar and galley and Harbourview room must show proof of vaccination and valid identification upon entering. Members and their guests will need to be prepared to respond to COVID screening requirements and to provide contact information (only one name/number is required if part of a group). Masks are to be worn when moving around inside the clubhouse, including when using the washrooms, as per Provincial guidelines. The latest Ontario O.Reg is here. Members and their guests wishing to only use the washrooms do not have to show proof of vaccination but must wear a mask.



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