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Practice Races
Keelboat Practice races this week: another reminder that there is practice racing tonight (Thursday). There is one course each night – please read the details.
FANFARE 2021 Report: Camaraderie and Big Breeze
Our small boat regatta FANFARE (FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta) 2021 ran 11+12 September. We had a strong turnout of 38 boats. The breeze was on (seriously) and the water was still comfortably warm for small boat racing. Results are here.
Racing after Sunset – Be Ready
The days are getting noticeably shorter now, and there is no guarantee that evening keelboat races in September will finish before sunset. Read this and be prepared.
NSC Introduces “the Crew Table”
Fleet is pleased to introduce the “Crew Table” as a meeting place for skippers and crew on race nights. Building on an informal but poorly advertised practice that has existed for years, the Crew Table is intended to facilitate connecting those interested in racing, with those needing crew on any given night.
VHF Use in Interclub Racing
Our Interclub Sailing Instructions allow for the use of radio communications by the Race Committee. Visit the page VHF Use in Interclub Racing to learn how this could impact you.