We invite you to nominate NSC sailors, boats or groups for the prestigious Commodore’s Cup for meritorious services to competitive sailing, and the notorious Dumper award for the most creative boating technique this year. These trophies will be awarded at NSC awards night Saturday 17 November.

Send a few sentences describing why your nominee deserves the award, by email to Fleet Captain, Dominic Goodwill. Nominees can be individuals, boats or groups. Deadline 27 October.

The Commodore’s Cup is for the most significant and meritorious contribution to the cause of competitive sailing for, or in the name of, NSC.

The Dumper’s Plaque is for demonstrating the most original boat handling techniques. The Dumper award is open to NSC boaters of all types.

We also need an awards gofer volunteer, to help with set up. Time commit is 3 hours prep + 3 hours day-of. Skill requirement: attention to detail. If you can help, send email to Fleet Captain

NSC award night is Saturday 17 Nov. A later post will follow with details of the event, including dinner ticket purchase and start-time.

And an early pre-announcement: NSC is hosting the joint NSC-BYC interclub awards on Wednesday 16 January 2019. This date is different than the previously announced date.

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