The NSC yard is now open to members from 0800 to 2100 hrs, 7 days a week. Although entry to the yard and dock area is restricted outside these hours, members returning from using their boats in the evening (after 2100 hrs) can exit through the West gate next to the clubhouse. Members who have launched their boats can use them on any day, but must respect the safety protocols for the docks and on water, as outlined in the COVID Plan and Procedures. Access into the club premises remains via the main yard gate.

In order to engineer physical distancing into the access plan, and to manage the number of members that can access the yard at any one time, we have identified and numbered each keel/power boat in the yard and cross referenced it to each Owner/member of Record. To manage total numbers in the yard at any one time, we have set up an “even/odd” shift whereby members whose boat is assigned an even number can access the yard to prepare their boat on even numbered days, and members assigned an odd number can do so on odd numbered days.

Owners/members of keel/power boats currently in the yard have received an email identifying if you are granted access on even or odd calendar days. For those days you are granted access, you can access the yard between 0800 and 2100 hrs to prepare and launch your boats.

For syndicate boats, the notice on even/odd has been sent to the Owner of Record or one of the syndicate members. Syndicate owners are asked to please coordinate the “who” for the assigned dates to prepare and launch their boats amongst themselves. The gate access point now has a list of all known syndicate members.

For owners/members whose boats are currently off site, unless you are bringing your boat to the club directly to launch, you are asked to hold off bringing your boat into the yard until after we have completed the Club (Commercial) launch on 13 June.

Dinghy and catamaran owners/members, you can access your boats to prepare and use via the procedures provided by the Dinghy and Catamaran Harbour Committee Lead, Brent Beninger. However, if your dinghy or catamaran is not presently in the yard, members are asked to please hold off bringing your boat to the yard until after Club launch on 13 June so we can open up the dry sail area.

How this is working on the ground:

When you come to the club, the clubhouse will still be closed. The only access point is through the Main Gate to the yard, where a yard Access Control Point will be setup just inside the gate. It will be manned by sailing club staff whose role it is to perform a basic screening for all members before entering the yard to keep us all safe. After 2100 hrs, the West Gate (beside the clubhouse) can be used to exit the club for those who are using their boats into the evening.

Please be patient and polite. There may be some delays at first, depending on how many people arrive at the same time.  Lines are painted on the road to mark 2 metre separation to assist you, if there is a lineup.

Upon reaching the Access Control Point, please identify yourself to the staff.  Some standard COVID-19 screening questions will be asked and you will either have to affirm you have read and agree to follow the NSC COVID-19 Code of Conduct if you have acknowledged it online, or you will be asked to read, and sign, a paper copy before entering the yard. Please bring a pen if necessary.

In subsequent days, you will just need to identify yourself to the staff so they can check to ensure you are compliant.

Here are some additional measures that are important to keep things working in as efficient manner as possible:

  • Please do not park anywhere near the yard gate. You are requested to use the parking lots or park on the grass along the South fence line. As a reminder, vehicle access to the yard is restricted. The club can provide parking passes
  • If waiting at the gate, please stand aside if staff or service providers vehicles are entering or leaving the yard.
  • Our dock carts will be available at the gate and the handles sanitized between uses. We only have 12 of them, so if you use them to transport something to or from your boat please return them immediately.
  • Please bring your own garbage bags and remove your garbage/recycling from the yard when you leave. This is to protect our Club staff from handling these items unnecessarily.
  • If you need to bring your vehicle into the yard to launch your trailered boat, please let Gene Bruce ( or James Pole ( know in advance including type and colour of your vehicle.
  • Your gate pass card will not be activated, so it will not work at this time. Please ensure you vacate the yard by 2100 hrs or you risk becoming locked in.

Now, let’s get ready to enjoy our boats!

David Neasmith

David Neasmith • Harbourmaster
Nepean Sailing Club • 3259 Carling Ave.
613-829-6462 •

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