Please note the following changes: addition of the BAR & GALLEY link to the Main Navigation (top) Menu and relocation of the Hall Rental link to the RESOURCES side bar.
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Sea trials have begun for the new NSC website
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NSC Member Notice – WiFi
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NSC High Performance Team Web Site
Visit the new High Performance Team web site, a part of Nepean Sailing School’s new initiative to encourage youth competitive sailing beyond the learn to sail programs.
Navigating the Way to NSC – new website
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NSC, 1979-1994 – The First Fifteen Years
In 1995, Mo Laidlaw authored and published a 96 page book titled “Nepean Sailing Club, 1979 to 1994, The First Fifteen Years”, as shown below.
History Buffs: Check out our new History Page
NSC is remarkably young as sailing clubs go, but the history of how NSC emerged from a shallow part of Graham Bay to become one of Canada’s largest and most active sailing clubs is a remarkable story worth sharing. Hence, we have created a new History page.