Ottawa River Challenge – Launched!
The NSC Ottawa River Challenge is a new type of Long Distance Race. The goal is to beat the previously set record in a 40 NM race.
The NSC Ottawa River Challenge is a new type of Long Distance Race. The goal is to beat the previously set record in a 40 NM race.
Tristan Story of UK-Halsey Sailmakers will be visiting Ottawa October 16-17th.
Dates related to haul-out and harbour closing.
Hey sailors looking for a challenge? Read on…
Reminder to Racers: As per the SI’s – Effective Monday August 30, the warning signal will be at 18:00.
Stony Point Race: Sunday Aug. 22 – A joint NSC/ BYC race and a counter for the Interclub Long Distance Series, and Midnight Madness: Friday night race and corn feast, Aug. 27.
The racing season is here — keelboat practice races May 4th and 6th … more.
The yard water (which is city water) is now turned off at all taps. Also, the sailing school washrooms have now been winterized for the season.
Anyone moored between A and B docks (west side of A and east side of B or End of A and B) please move your boats!
The 2009 AGM is 06 Nov, starting at 7:30 p.m., not 08 Nov as stated in The October Telltale.