Inaugural NSC Annual Volunteer Achievement Award
Nominations are now open for you to nominate your fellow members for their volunteer achievements at your Club.
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Nominations are now open for you to nominate your fellow members for their volunteer achievements at your Club.
This is a reminder that the harbour will be closing one week from today on November 12. The dock water, pump out and public launch will also be closed at that time.
The 2016 NSC Sailing Awards Dinner takes place on Saturday, November 19. NCS’s chef, Tim Barton, has prepared a classy, 4-course (incl. dessert!!) served gala dinner, so reserve on-line or at the office early for this event which always sells out.
While October fall sailing is still on, the annual club sailing dinner and awards night will soon be here. Mark the date and celebrate the fantastic sailing and racing season that was with friends, crew, and fellow members in one classy affair!
Haulout is just around the corner and there is always a lot to be done in preparation for the big fall event of the season. Notices about yard issues, yard layouts and dates applicable and any other info we can give you will be posted on the web in a dedicated “Haulout” section – this…
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news folks but wanted to let everyone know that this year club commercial haul out is set for Saturday October 29. If you’re undecided about going with club haul out
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! Folks, the ever popular NSC Turkey Trot Race and Feast is just a few days away and counting on Monday Oct. 10! This is an open club pursuit sail race followed by a member’s social Thanksgiving feast in the afternoon. All sailboats and members welcome. Registered Handicaps are not required!
New members? Old members? Need help to de-mast safely? Try co-op demasting Saturday Oct 15th
2nd Annual End of Season Celebration – Monday, Sept 26, 2015. All Monday night crews are invited to an informal dinner to celebrate the end of the NSC Women’s racing season. This is our final opportunity to get together one last Monday before winter!
The Nepean Sailing Club is pleased to host this year’s Interclub End of Weeknight Racing Social on Thursday, September 29th after racing. Come one, come all, and pass the word to your fellow sailors on the river! Good company, and scrumptious Galley finger food provided around 8pm.