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FANFARE 2017 East Coast Style! September 9-10

NSC’s FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) is going East Coast style! this year with a full weekend of Dinghy and Cat racing and a Celtic-themed Saturday evening.   Featuring the Fireball Ontario and 505 Fleet 4 Championships, invited classes include 420s, Albacores, and an Open Catamaran class. See fanfare.nsc.ca for the NOR, to register, and other…

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Skippers, there are some great crew available on the Crew Bank!

NSC’s Crew Bank is a wonderful resource for skippers looking for crew, whether you’re short for weeknight or weekend racing, or looking for someone to join you for a leisurely afternoon or evening sail. This year, there seem to be a lot of great crew interested in getting out on the water, but surprisingly, it…