Interclub Weeknight Racing Starts May 28
The BYC gates are expected to come out around May 24 (+/- a day). Thus, per the Sailing Instructions (see Part G, and the reference to this page), Interclub weeknight racing is expected to start May 28.
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The BYC gates are expected to come out around May 24 (+/- a day). Thus, per the Sailing Instructions (see Part G, and the reference to this page), Interclub weeknight racing is expected to start May 28.
Become a better Shark sailor by sailing with your competitors for a day. See how the other boats go about their business, improve your Shark sailing abilities, and make the Ottawa Shark fleet more competitive.
John Perry has been the quiet caretaker of the beautiful gardens at the Club for more than fifteen years. He has dedicated much time to the design and propagation of the annuals and perennials that you see on the way to the docks and around the memorial plinth. It has been a labour of love…
For those who missed the Mainsail Measuring and annual PHRF Sail Measuring & Racing Q&A Session, there will be one last Sail Measuring session on May 6th, 1-2 p.m. If you have sails that need measuring, then bring them to the club that day.
Spring is finally springing, club launch is set for May 5th, it’s time for the boating season to get under way! Here are some key yard/harbour dates to mark in your calendar.
Please take your old tarps home for disposal. Happily it’s that time of year when we are removing the covers from our boats and looking forward to another season. If this is the last
For those intending to race, if you haven’t already submitted your Race Registration form, do it now! If you delay, you will be scored as Not Registered.
Yard water is now on in all locations. Please bring your own hoses.
Its time to get the 2018 boating season underway! To kick things off, please hold the date for the annual “NSC Member Mixer” and Spring Information Meeting on Thursday, April 26th starting at 18:30.
As a grand finale to our Winter Speaker series for 2018, Johan Koppernaes will provide a practical take on the Racing Rules of Sailing. This time from a sailor’s perspective on the race course. When does one rule apply and transition to another? Who really knows for sure?