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Turkey Trot Pursuit and Feast – Monday, October 9

Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! Folks, the ever popular NSC Turkey Trot Pursuit and Feast is just 10 days away and counting on Monday Oct. 9th! This is an open club member’s pursuit sail race followed by a social Thanksgiving feast in the afternoon. All sailboats, members and guests welcome. Registered Handicaps are not required!

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2017 Canadian Albacore Championships, September 22-24

The Albacores are coming! The Nepean Sailing Club in partnership with the Canadian Albacore Association is proud to host this year’s 2017 Canadian Albacore Championship, September 22 to 24th.  Top teams and boats from across the country and Eastern U.S. will join members of our local fleet for 3 days of competitive dinghy sailing, social…

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FANFARE 2017 East Coast Style! September 9-10

NSC’s FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) is going East Coast style! this year with a full weekend of Dinghy and Cat racing and a Celtic-themed Saturday evening.   Featuring the Fireball Ontario and 505 Fleet 4 Championships, invited classes include 420s, Albacores, and an Open Catamaran class. See fanfare.nsc.ca for the NOR, to register, and other…

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NOD 2017 Registration Check-In This Week

Reminder NSC NOD sailors. Early NOD registration check-in is available each evening post-racing from Wednesday to Friday this week. As a courtesy for the many visiting boats and your fellow registration volunteers, NSC skips and crew are strongly encouraged to check-in by Friday to pick-up their registration kits, buy extra dinner tickets, and sign their…

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Calling Dinghy & Cat Sailors – Dinghy Frostbite Day, September 26

Reminder, new this year is a dedicated afternoon of Dinghy/Cat Frostbite series racing this Saturday 26th! Come enjoy the warmth and light of a September afternoon of Dinghy-only series racing. 1st Warning gun is at 1330 with up to 6 races that afternoon. Courses, starts, and other instructions same as a regular Wednesday night. See…

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FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) – September 12-13, 2015

The FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) is being hosted by NSC on September 12-13, 2015. This regatta is open to 505s, Fireballs, Albacores, Lasers, Laser Radials, 420s and Catamarans. FANFARE is hosting the 505 Canadians during this weekend as well, so an exciting weekend should be had by all. Check out the Fanfare web page…