Mark your calendars for this year’s Baskin’s Beach event. Register on-line for the BBQ. Read on…

The Social Committee is pleased to say that the owners of Baskin’s Beach have again agreed to let us host our event on their property again this year. There will be games and prizes for young, and not so young. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and of course delicious corn on the cob will be served around 5pm, followed by a sing-along around the campfire – so bring your instruments. Don’t have a tender; a water taxi can be hailed on channel 72 – so no excuses for not attending. Those coming by car, here’s the link for a map to Baskin’s Beach – please park along the road and not on the property.

As part of our agreement with the owner, dogs are not allowed on the beach. However, you can take your tenders or water taxi to the other side of the beach and use the service lane to bring your dogs up to the road. Please respect bylaws and bring plastic bags to clean up after your dogs and keep them on a leash at all times.

The canteen up the hill does sell ice cream, pop, french fries, and for those not accustomed to cooking on board, they do serve a great breakfast as well. They will also have a small inventory of ice, but you may want to load up before you set sail just in case they run out.

Baskin’s Beach has become a huge success over the last few years, but the costs for this success have escalated dramatically – so – to help us cover some of the costs, we are again asking that you bring a little donation to the pot when you come for the BBQ.

Suggested “donation” – Adults $5, kids under 12 free – not much for what you get is it??

Again to help us plan and to know how much food to buy, please don’t forget to register on-line and we’ll see you on the 16th!

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