Buddy Melges at the Boat's Steering Wheel
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Melges: The Wizard of Zenda fundraiser screening, February 3, 7 p.m.

Buddy Melges: “The Wizard of Zenda” grew up in Zenda, Wisconsin, sailing on a lake, like our kids do. Called “the Leonardo Davinci” of sailing, he honed the ‘art’ more than the science of sailing. He went on to win Olympic medals and world championships. But sailing’s biggest prize eluded him — The Americas Cup….

An audience listens to a speaker present in the Winter Speaker Series

Winter Speaker Series 2024 seeks speakers/topics, camera operators and audio/video techs

The Winter Speaker Series is on again as live presentations in Harbourview Hall. We are looking for speakers to share stories, experiences and expertise, on Wednesday evenings between January and early April. We also need volunteers to help out as recording camera operators and audio/video directors. Now is the time to get involved! Email Marc…

Brendan Kealey

New Vice Commodore

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mr. Brendan Kealey has been appointed to the role of Vice Commodore effective 3 November, taking over from Mr. Paul Wagner. Brendan is a very active member of NSC and has served in the Vice Commodore role previously. The Board and staff are looking forward to…

A sheet of paper with the title "Update" in an old manual typewriter

Update on Board and Staff

Commodore’s Communique to Members Fellow Members, The aim of this note is to provide a brief update on some recent changes that have occurred at theBoard level and within our staff. Vice Commodore Paul Wagner, our Vice Commodore, has stepped down from the Board effective 31 October.Unfortunately, his work commitments have changed and, as such,…