Congratulations to Leith Shenstone for winning
The International 14 German Open. For more details please see: Leith Shenstone.
The International 14 German Open. For more details please see: Leith Shenstone.
Putting the fun into Youth Racing… The NSC O’pen BIC Un-Regatta lets kids get their feet wet with a freestyle, fun, rules-relaxed event.
NSC Able Sail is looking for Enthusiastic volunteers to help NSC Able Sail with all of their Programming.
Without volunteers, our club would be a very different place.
Advantage Boating is looking for an Instructor/Maintenance Employee. To learn more about this position See the Job Description at Advantage Boating Job.
A limited number of Rule Books (Sail Canada / ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing, 2013-2016) are available from the office; cost is $21.00 each.