Awards night 2023 Commodores Cup winner Hugh Morrin

Fleet Awards Night

120 members gathered to celebrate the sailing season and race winners at the 2023 NSC Fleet Awards Night, on 18 November. Hugh Morrin was awarded the Commodore’s Cup for significant contributions to competitive sailing at NSC. “Whether it’s youth sport, adult, or Olympic level, people like Hugh make sport happen in Canada.” Hugh took 46…

Sailboats sailing up the river in the 26 km race
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26 km Race – Report

NSC offers racing about 100 days a year. 99/100 we are well organized but there’s sometimes one that gets away on us. So apologies for not having a starting boat on the water for the 26 km race. Fortunately, racers are adaptable and self-started. The scoring for this race will use each boat’s self-reported start…

A view of the club from the water on a beautiful summer day with rows of boats framing the photo and a foresail partially hoisted on a large boat at the service dock
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Interclub End of Series Social – NSC, Thursday, September 28

Thursday, September 28th after racing, Nepean Sailing Club will host this year’s Interclub End of Weeknight Racing Social. Come one, come all and pass the word to your fellow sailors!  Britannia and CVGR weeknight, long-distance and RUST racers are especially welcome. Good company, and finger food provided. Head over to the NSC clubhouse immediately after…