As I look around the starting line on Tuesdays, I see boats carrying crews of three or four, some with six or seven.  Its August. Summer holidays with families. Odds are that you’re finding yourself short-handed. If so, read on…

Its not just Tuesdays, its any race night in the summer.  We all have day-jobs or families or home projects or all three and, sometimes, its just not possible to make every race.

But, there’s hope! And no reason to skip a chance to enjoy your Boat. In fact, its a great opportunity to explore the sport from someone else’s perspective and maybe remind you why you’re so keen on the sport in the first place.

NSC manages a fantastic Crew Bank to help you when you’re shorthanded.  Its online and simple to use. At last count, 32 crew of all shapes, sizes and skill levels are looking for a ride.

Its August, you’re short-handed, give the Crew Bank a try.

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