On Wednesday December 5th, NSC will hold our 39th Annual General Meeting of Members.  First off, it’s a Wednesday this year.  Wednesday, not Thursday.  Important details follow…

You will receive the ‘formal’ notice of meeting package by November 25th that will include the final agenda, slate of Board nominations for 2019 and any formal business that will require your vote (see notes below).

In keeping with our pattern, there will be a social gathering in the Members Lounge starting at 18h30, finger foods on hand (from us!) and a cash bar.  The meeting will come-to-order at 19h30 sharp.

We will update this post and also send you a link to the 2018 Annual Report when it is complete.  The report will cover all parts of the Club and provided some context for any questions you may wish to ask at the AGM.

The deadline for bringing a formal motion has passed, but there will be ample opportunity for you to ask any questions you like.

At the AGM, “Adult”, “Family”, “Student” (over 18) and “Life” Members may vote.  Each membership has one vote – for example, a Family Membership casts a single vote.  “Crewing”, “Student” (under 18), “Out of Town” and “Honourary” Memberships do not have voting privileges according to our By-Law.

You may designate a proxy to carry your voting privilege.  NSC’s Proxy Procedure and Proxy Form are available on nsc.ca here.

Finally,  please note that nominations for positions on the Board are now closed.

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