Just in time for the start of another sailing season, NSC is delighted to welcome the newest member of our management team: Heather Erven. As NSC’s first Business Manager. Heather will oversee all “inside” business operations of the club, including food and beverage, room rentals, office administration and accounting. Equally important, she will help us with outreach to the broader community and potential new members.

Heather will work alongside and in collaboration with Gene Bruce, who now assumes the title of Marine and Property Manager. In that capacity he will be responsible for the harbour, the yard and all infrastructure, including the NSC clubhouse.

Heather is a graduate of the University of Ottawa’s School of Human Kinetics. After university, she launched a successful nutrition counseling practice and became a regular guest on CTV Ottawa Morning. Her efforts also earned her an award for Young Entrepreneur of the Year from the Nepean Chamber of Commerce. Later she helped open and was the first manager of a specialty knife retailer in the Glebe. Most recently she worked at Equine Canada, leading a renewal of the organization’s long-term athlete development program.

Although she grew up sailing and spent summers as a sailing instructor at a children’s camp, Heather’s first exposure to NSC was last summer, when she completed the “Bring on the Bay” 3-km swim across Lac Deschenes to Britannia Yacht Club. She is a triathlete and currently in training to compete in her first Ironman, next fall in Mexico. Another passion is cross-country skiing: she is a volunteer coach and coordinator of the learn-to-ski program with Nakkertok, Canada’s largest cross-country ski club.

Welcome to NSC, Heather!

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