Congratulations to John Pires on the purchase of his new C&C 27 MK 4! When John moves his new purchase from Montreal to Ottawa in May, his will be the 50th C&C 27 in Ottawa!

Also joining the fleet this year are Stephan & Catherine Radatus who have bought Stephan’s parents’ boat and will be moving it to NSC from Wiarton. And after being without a -27 for some years, John & Elizabeth Mahan will re-join the fleet as the proud new owners of Kishamis. Welcome all!

For more information on joining this growing fleet, visit, or send an e-mail to There seem to be a few good boats on the market now.

We’re all looking forward to another great season of racing, cruising and raft-ups. See you on the water soon!

† This number includes 3 MK 1s, 9 MK 2s, 29 MK 3s and 4 MK 4s, but does not include another 5-10 MK 5s, which also call Ottawa home, as the MK 5 is a significantly different boat.

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