Each year as part of NSC’s Commodore’s Sailpast, we recognize our members celebrating membership anniversaries of 10 years or more by awarding special club burgees. Please join your fellow club members in congratulating this year’s NSC Anniversary Burgee recipients, listed below.

Anniversary Burgees will be individually presented and may be picked-up from 11:30 to 13:30, before heading out for Sailpast 2022. Presentation location will be in Harbourview Hall, upstairs in the club. Look for the table decorated in NSC Burgees.

For those anniversary members not available to attend Sailpast, they may pick up their burgees from the office the week following Sailpast. For those unable to visit the club that week, please send an email to the Membership Director, and alternative delivery arrangements will be made.


40 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Andrew MacDonald
  • Rod & Donna Corbett
  • Lysanne Gauvin

 35 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Carol O’Neil
  • Doug & Anna Brown
  • Bruce MacDonald & Bonnie Steinberg
  • Laura Mahan
  • Vincent & Kirsten Somoza
  • Marilyn Poirier

 30 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Pierre & Nicole Choquette
  • Gad Perry
  • Harrienne Rosenes
  • Hugh & Hally Siddons
  • Doris Parolin & Ron Schute
  • Michael Scrivens
  • Craig Preston & Leona Ritchie

 25 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Eric Parsons & Jo-Ann Zettel
  • Stephen & Linda Lane
  • Phil Locker & Izabela & Kurek
  • Iain McEvoy & Margaret & Dwulit
  • Craig Honegger
  • David Blackwood & Mary Ann Wight

 20 Year Anniversary Members:

  • David Meek & Melanie Aubert
  • Brian & Sandra Amirault
  • Peter & Cathy Drinnan
  • Marco Calandrini & Marie-Claude Leduc
  • John & Eleanor Tutton
  • Donald McLaughlin & Donna Bernachi
  • Mircea Pana & Lidia Mihail
  • Ted & Karin Ceelen
  • Matt Davidge & Robin Fraser
  • Shona Weldon & Michael Wonnacott
  • Gail White & John Horwitz
  • George Bayne
  • Pierre Gratton & Ghislaine Montion
  • Richard Tanguay & Brigitte Beaudry
  • Carol Laidlaw

 15 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Charlie Jessome & Debbie Nicholls
  • Tom Miller & Amanda Bolle
  • Tim & Heather Moses
  • Stephane Lefebvre & Sylvie Marchand
  • Charles Lanning & Kathy Heney
  • Ian Douglas & Patricia Prince
  • Brian & Heather Guimond
  • Ryan Macdonald & Christine Deschenes
  • Igor Shkvorets & Iryna Troshyna
  • Christine Lavallée
  • Colin Strange
  • Bruce & Mindy Jamison
  • Johanne Lalonde
  • Donald & Margaret Williamson
  • Don Ball
  • Thomas & Allison Prowse
  • Neil Weller & Martha Guy
  • Devon Bartley & Ken Miller
  • Tim Nason & Colleen Bailey

 10 Year Anniversary Members:

  • Louis & Carol Lo Mascolo
  • Shane & Jessica Norup
  • Derrin Carroll & Shelley Hubble
  • Michael & Diane Parke
  • Jaak & Jane Laan
  • Peter Crain & Derek Hall
  • Michael Adam & Carole McMullin
  • Paul & Isabelle Wagner
  • Christopher Rands & Mary Alison Gordon
  • Nigel Gumley & Deb Dullin
  • Allan Dufour & Jenny Kaser
  • Borislava & Mladen Karadeglija
  • David & Wendy Mains
  • John & Laura Lunn
  • Matt Soosalu
  • Alana Wilcox
  • Karell Regnier
  • Cam & Lisa Powell
  • Daniel & Lucia Brooks
  • Jonathan Boocock
  • Ben Morris

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