Due to the COVID-19 situation, the Dock Top Project volunteer effort that was scheduled for March and early April 2020 has been put on hold. Many thanks to all those who signed up in support of this important project. Stay healthy and look after each other. We will need your help at some point in the future to get this done!

The volunteer signup page is at: dock-project-volunteers-21-22-march-2020.Members are welcome to sign up for more than one time slot; and, more than one day if they are able to. Each day, a short briefing will be provided at 0800 and 1300 hrs to cover tasks, safety and to assign volunteers to specific teams. Coffee/tea, snacks, lunch and beverages will be provided by the club on all volunteer work days.

We will be bundling and delivering wood to the dock fingers on Saturday until completed. We may start some demolition once that is completed. On Sunday, we will begin stripping the docks, removing and bundling the old wood from the main sections of A and X docks.

Volunteers are asked to arrive ready to go for 0800 hrs on each day for the morning time slot, and for 1300 hrs each day for the afternoon time slot. Please dress for the weather and working conditions. Footwear that is appropriate for ice and snow, work gloves, and eye protection are required. Layered clothing is highly recommended.

The dock top replacement project is vital to our club as it preserves the condition of our most valuable asset – our dock network. By doing a good portion of the project through volunteer effort, the club is able to reduce the cost of this project significantly.
The next weekends planned for the dock project are 28 and 29 March, and if necessary, 4 and 5 April 2020.

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