While the weather is promising and the ice is started to recede, Commercial Launch will be postponed from May 3 until May 10.

The ice in the harbour is still thick and, while it may leave by May 3, its too close to call.  Commercial Launch is now May 10, 2014.

  • All Commercial Launch activities will remain the same and be moved one week.  if you have volunteered to help with Launch, your volunteer coordinator will be in touch shortly.
  • Volunteers are standing by to open the Harbour as-soon-as-possible – as soon as the ice leaves.
  • According to our Fleet Captain, no changes to the SIs are planned.
  • For the Dinghy Park, previously planned for opening on May 10/11, we will work with volunteers to focus on May 11 and have as much open as possible.
  • Plans are underway to accommodate events at the Sailing School, stay tuned for details.

I appreciate your patience and, if you have any questions, please be in touch


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