Three Nepean Sailors participated in last weekend’s 2.4meter Canadian Championships, Christine Lavallee, Aaron Wong-Sing and Peter Wood. Aaron and Christine continue to improve as they are now consistently in the middle part of the fleet. Aaron had a best ever eighth place and Christine had a ninth in the final race on Sunday, Peter hit the finish mark while sitting in fourth and after completing his penalty turn and returning to the correct side of the finish line placed 15th.

Here is the report from the Canadian Sailing Team coach.

The 2.4Meter, Open Canadian Championships were held this past weekend in Toronto at National Yacht club, as usual they put on a fine event but the conditions were, to say the least, “trying”.

Saturday started out with plenty of promise nice winds but increasing velocity. The decision was made to move the course to the inner harbor. There we had 3 races and, with increasing winds, plenty of carnage, further racing was put on hold because of approaching thunder cells and the fleet headed for shore. The weather did not improve and the racing was cancelled for the day with Bruce Millar in the lead.

Saturday, following sailing, we had a “sailors debrief” where the experts in the class shared their tuning tips with the newer racers.

Sunday’s forecast was for moderate winds but dropping after noon. The good wind was short lived to get one race in a left dominated course. The wind really got serious and died completely. However, there was some wind farther out so the RC and 2.4’s went on the great wind hunt around Slumber Bay. Finally with about 3kts of breeze and 1.5 kts of current, a race was started. Things went pretty well until the lead boats approached the leeward mark. With the current and the light winds, Bruce Millar tried for 5 minutes and 4 approaches to get around the mark while John Finch got around and barreled down the new windward assisted by the current. Bruce Millar and Paul Tingley finally got around but the rest of the fleet struggled in the weak breeze and strong current. Racing was cancelled at this point and boats were towed in.

For the final score sheet, Jerry Wendt of National YC was first, Bruce Millar from RVYC/NYC second and John Finch from Queen City YC third. For those wondering, Paul Tingley and Allan Leibel had boat issues and missed 2 races on Saturday to put their otherwise good scores out of the running.

The 2.4 class is growing in Canada and now with the boat in the Canada Games as a medal event, more of the provinces should be gearing up 2.4 sailors for 2013 in Sherbrooke.

Brian Todd, CYA Coach/Manager

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