The 2023 2.4mR Canadian Championship was held September 21 – 24 in Toronto, ON. This event was hosted by the National Yacht Club and included 2.4mR’s (open to adaptive and able-bodied sailors alike).

In all, 26 competitors, one from Puerto Rico, 10 from the USA and 15 from Canada participated in this absolutely fantastic event, including two members of the NSC 2.4mR fleet, Peter Wood and Pete Norwood. Two quick practice races were held Thursday afternoon to help competitors shake out the road trip wrinkles and familiarize with the harbour and racecourse. Racing got underway Friday afternoon with two races in light breeze. Saturday saw four races in a tad heavier breeze and Sunday saw two races in 20+ knots of breeze and epic waves. 

As my second regatta in the 2.4mR, the experience simply strengthened my regard for the vessel, the fleet and the community that surrounds this amazing group of people. I’ve only been a part of this for such a short while and yet it feels like family.  

The regatta itself was well run, the volunteers were incredibly efficient, the competitors fierce and fun. Kudos to the National Yacht Club and all the friends, family and volunteers that are the foundation of a hugely successful, national event.

Pete Norwood in his 2.4mR at the 2023 Canadian 2.4mR Championship with Toronto in the background
Pete Norwood rounding a mark in his 2.4mR at the 2023 Canadian Championships with Toronto in the background
Pete Norwood rounding a mark in his 2.4mR at the 2023 Canadian Championships with Toronto in the background
2.4mRs in harbour at the 2023 Canadian 2.4mR Championship with Toronto in the background
2.4mRs in harbour at the 2023 Canadian 2.4mR Championship with Toronto in the background

Submitted by Pete Norwood

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