At the NSC member boat Service Docks, there is a self-serve Pump Out system available for servicing waste holding tanks.  Below are member instructions on its use.  There are also instructions posted on the side of the Service Dock utility shed.  Bear in mind that there is usually at least one experienced member at the service dock, and he or she will also likely be happy to help out or offer advice.

The Pump-Out system is turned off at night and back on in the morning by staff.   If the system happens to be off, or you need pumping out before staff arrives, please follow the below steps to turn the system on :

  1. Ensure all four service dock hydrant T-valves are in the OFF position (horizontal); if not, turn the T-valves clockwise to turn off.
  2. Turn the big red switch on pump control box to ON. Don’t touch anything else. The pump will first evacuate the storage tank, then pump up the correct Vacuum for operation all by itself!

If system is already ON, follow these steps to pump out your waste tanks:

Running the length of the service dock near the harbour wall, is a grey plastic pipe. Extending vertically from the pipe is a series of inlets fitted with red T-valves. You also find a long green hose with clamps on one end and a shut-off valve on the other end. The hose will generally be connected to one of the inlets.

  1. If the hose won’t reach to your boat’s waste deck fitting, simply flip open the clamps, disconnect the hose from the inlet and move it to an inlet that is closer to your boat.
  2. Make sure all of the red T-valves are in the closed (horizontal) position, and then open the one for the inlet you plan to use.
  3. Close the valve on the pump-out hose nozzle and then insert it into your boat’s waste pump-out deck fitting. Keep a bit of downward pressure on the nozzle so that the rubber end forms a seal against the deck fitting. Then open the valve on the nozzle. There is a good amount of pressure in the system so it won’t take long to empty your holding tank – typically 30-60 seconds at most depending on the size of your holding tank.
  4. Close the valve on the nozzle before you remove it from the deck fitting. Then carefully lay the nozzle down on your deck.
  5. Fill your holding tank with water using one of the grey hoses – there are several of them along the service dock so it shouldn’t be difficult to find one that will reach to your boat. (Never use one of the red hoses to rinse your holding tank. The red hoses provide clean city water and are only for filling your fresh water tanks. The grey hoses provide water pumped straight from the river. As a courtesy to other members and to avoid contamination, always use a grey hose when flushing your holding tank or washing your boat.)
  6. When you have finished filling your holding tank, insert the pump-out nozzle and empty the tank again. (Note: many people repeat Steps 5 & 6 to ensure that the holding tank is as clean as possible. At the end of the season, you might flush your holding tank three times just to be sure.)
  7. Return the green pump-out hose to the dock and shut off the red T-valve. Return the grey river-water hose to the dock and coil it neatly around its bracket. Please don’t leave hoses lying uncoiled on the dock.

Note: All “hydrant” T-valves should be in the OFF (horizontal) position at all times except when in use.

Page updated: 2020-03-11.

Update log
11 Mar: RE:Created new Procedure page under Harbour & Yard for future member reference, transferring existing web content on instructions from the old ‘New Members Information’ webpage (currently unused/not referenced). Info needs appropriate H&Y update review on procedure.
Page maintained by Rear Commodore