Sit Back, Relax and Learn About Our Cranes

Thanks to lots of help from members Parke Davis, Ron Evans, Ron Purvis and their team, two very helpful videos illustrating the use of NSC’s Cranes have been posted to YouTube. Grab some popcorn and sit back with your web browser and watch the show.

Also, download this pdf on crane usage rules and procedures, or view it directly within BOX.

Please note that any member who plans to use either of NSC’s stationary cranes is required to attend a “Crane Familiarization” session. Please contact the NSC Harbourmaster for more information.


2022-05-20: DS: replaced ‘www’ with ‘app’
2015-08-20: DS: changed link of “download this pdf” file to “direct link” so user can download without first opening the file in BOX.
Page maintained by Rear Commodore