Will There Be a Slip for My New Boat?

A person with a sailing boat

Exciting times when you’re looking at your first boat or upgrading your existing one.  A top-of-mind question is: Will I have a slip for my new boat?  A dedicated group of individuals called the “Mooring Allocation Committee” (or MAC) focus on this question every year, along with the Club’s Manager.

Balancing Needs

NSC’s policies are applied fairly since we revisit the assignments of all slips in the Harbour and Yard.  The needs of members who are re-launching their boats are balanced with new requests.

If you have bought a boat and wish to have a slip, you need to apply using the form available at NSC’s Office.  Similarly, if you are upgrading your boat, selling it, or changing the ownership in any way, you need to notify the Club by applying for the change.

To help manage the Yard and Harbour, NSC distinguishes between “moorings” and “slips”.   A mooring is an option that Members can apply for and can be renewed each year.  Slips are assigned to moorings every year. 

The Policies

The NSC Harbour Policy and the Mooring Allocation Policy, available on the NSC Policies page, describe in detail, the process that is used each year to figure out how slips are assigned and those documents are the authoritative source of information in every case.

The TLDR is:

  • To have a Mooring, you must be a Full Member.
  • Slips will be assigned to moorings before Club Launch and may change during the boating season to optimize the use of the Harbour and Yard.
  • If there are no slips available to accommodate your boat, you can join the wait list to be allocated a slip when it becomes available.
  • Allocations and assignments are done in the following order:
  1. Members that had been assigned a mooring in the previous year, and have not requested a change of slip or changed the vessel they intend to moor.
  2. Members that had been assigned a mooring in the previous year, and have changed the vessel they intend to moor.
  3. Members that had been assigned a mooring in the previous year, and have requested a change of Slip assignment for reasons other than a change of vessel.
  4. Members who have requested a mooring and are currently on a wait list

The overriding principle is to have as many people as possible in a position to use their boats during the boating season.

Page maintained by Rear Commodore