Buddy Melges at the Boat's Steering Wheel
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Melges: The Wizard of Zenda fundraiser screening, February 3, 7 p.m.

Buddy Melges: “The Wizard of Zenda” grew up in Zenda, Wisconsin, sailing on a lake, like our kids do. Called “the Leonardo Davinci” of sailing, he honed the ‘art’ more than the science of sailing. He went on to win Olympic medals and world championships. But sailing’s biggest prize eluded him — The Americas Cup….

Awards night 2023 Commodores Cup winner Hugh Morrin

Fleet Awards Night

120 members gathered to celebrate the sailing season and race winners at the 2023 NSC Fleet Awards Night, on 18 November. Hugh Morrin was awarded the Commodore’s Cup for significant contributions to competitive sailing at NSC. “Whether it’s youth sport, adult, or Olympic level, people like Hugh make sport happen in Canada.” Hugh took 46…