See the agenda (89.6KB PDF) to help you plan your day. We have a great group of speakers bringing you presentations about sail trim, rules, mark roundings, preparing for changes in wind, advanced starts, and ocean adventures.

Registration is $40 until April 6th, or $50 after April 6th. Fee is payable by cash or cheque at the door, and includes coffee, muffins, and lunch. To conduct this seminar, we need a minimum of 30 registrants by April 6th. To register, reply to this email and include your name, phone number, and home yacht club.

If you would like to join the Ottawa-area ladies’ coached boat program or crew bank program, contact one of the following representatives:
Jane Almond – Britannia Yacht Club: jalmondpmp at
Lynne Walker – Nepean Sailing Club: lynne.walker t
Christine Rogers – Aylmer Yacht Club:

We look forward to seeing you the 14th. Please forward this message to anyone that you think would be interested but is perhaps not on our distribution list.

If you wish to be removed from this distribution list, please reply to and let us know.

Thank you,
Jane Almond, BYC Ladies’ Fleet Representative
Catherine Radatus

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