March 02 – April 27, 2011

** All talks start at 7:30**

March 2nd – Tristan Story, “U.K. Sails Rig Tuning Seminar”. An improperly tuned rig can be not only a performance issue for racers and cruisers alike, it can also be a big safety issue. Come hear Tristan Story – sailmaker for UK-Halsey, ex-CYA instructor and competitive sailor – as he walks us through the tips and techniques to ensure your rig is tuned for optimal performance and safety. UK Sails door prizes will be raffled off, and NSC Regalia will also be on sale.

March 9th – Dave Black, “The Cruise of the Calabar”. If you’ve really amped up your dreams of sailing off to parts unknown this month, then this is the Toonie Talk for you. Join Dave and Barbara Black, an Ottawa couple, who spent years sailing on their Bristol 41.1 Calabar, exploring exotic ports of call in South-East Asia, India, North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. NSC Regalia will also be on sale.

March 16th – Toonie Talks take a March break as well.

March 23 – Colin Clark: “Respect the Elements – What to Wear (Gill Clothing)”. March weather: alternately blustery, wet, icy, warm….then cold again. What better time to learn about how to choose the proper clothing to protect you against the elements, be they warm and wet, or cold and….oh, who knows these days. Starting with fabrics, why they are so important and how they have changed in recent years this seminar deals with layering, what should be worn at each layer and to ensure optimum comfort in all conditions.

Thurday, March 31st – Rob & Mary MacLeod: “Living His Dream on Her Terms”.  Noted author, master sailor and team performance specialist Rob MacLeod ( has just returned from a year away with his wife Mary aboard their CS36 Sojourn. Join Rob and Mary for an informative evening and a frank conversation about – ‘Living His Dream – Under Her Terms.’ (**Note the day change for this evening only. Toonie Talks return to Wednesdays the following week).

April 6 – Lisa Labonte: “Sailing the South Pacific”.  Lisa Labonte, along with her partner, got married, bought a boat and left Ottawa in 2001.  She spent seven years as first mate onboard their floating home called ‘Nahanni’, slowly cruising three quarters of the way around the world, and starting a family while underway. Warm your heart and stoke your dreams with this tale of one woman’s adventures in the southern latitudes. NSC Regalia will also be on sale.

**NOTE NEW TOPIC AND DATE: 14 avril – Antoine Rose, “Itinéraire pour une traversée de l’Atlantique”. Cette conférence portera sur tous les aspects liés à une traversée de l’Atlantique, des préparatifs au retour au bercail : le bateau, l’itinéraire, la sécurité, l’entraînement, le départ, la vie à bord et la routine, la météo, le retour, le bilan et… revenir à la vie normale.  This session will be offered in French. 

April 20 – Ron & Pam Mazza: “Our Antarctic sailing adventure in a small sail boat”.  As the weather (hopefully) warms up, the stories get cooler. Ontario sailors Pam and Ron Mazza spent a month on a 56-foot cutter cruising in Antarctica, going as far south as a sailboat can go. Come hear tales of their adventures, as they crossed the Drake Passage in a storm; saw whales, penguins and seals; dodged icebergs; and climbed glaciers. NSC Regalia will also be on sale.

April 27 – David Searle: “Everything you wanted to know about Racing Rules, but…”.  Help us wind up the Toonie Talks series and get ready for the upcoming racing season with this popular session on racing rules, taught by NSC’s own Senior National Race Officer, David Searle. After all, it’s not just the boats – racers need prepping, too. NSC Regalia will also be on sale.

**ADDITIONAL TOONIE TALK : April 28th – Roy Shipley (Raymarine) – What’s new in Marine Electronics.

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