Join in the fun on Saturday, Aug. 14.

Don’t miss NSC’s annual Harbourmaster’s Race & BBQ, which takes place this year on Saturday, August 14.

This is a fun event in which club members race around the NSC harbour in tiny boats.

The harbour races start at 12:30 pm and continue until we have a winner.  (Sign up for the races when you arrive.)

When the races are over, join us for an informal BBQ. The Social committee supplies the grills, salad and baked potatoes, as well as condiments. All you need to bring is a plate, cutlery and your choice of meat to put on the BBQ. Social will also serve ice cream for dessert.

It’s all free, but please register online for the dinner so that we know how many servings of salad and potatoes to prepare.

Click here to register for the Harbourmaster’s BBQ.

(There is no need to register in advance for the racing; just come down to the club on the day of the event and sign up for one of the heats.)

Come and join in the fun, either by racing or by watching from the deck — then join your  friends for dinner!

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