Commodore’s Communique to Members

Fellow Members,

The aim of this note is to provide a brief update on some recent changes that have occurred at the
Board level and within our staff.

Vice Commodore

Paul Wagner, our Vice Commodore, has stepped down from the Board effective 31 October.
Unfortunately, his work commitments have changed and, as such, he cannot commit the time required
for the role of Vice Commodore. The Board thanks Paul for his service to our Club and wishes him well in
his future challenges in the Government. The Board is working on a replacement interim Vice
Commodore and hopes to be in a position to make an announcement in the very near term.

General Manager Leave

On the Staff side, our General Manager, Tricia McBride, has had to go on extended sick leave due to an
illness. She will be away for the month of November. In the interim, our Sailing Activities Manager,
Shawn Batten, has agreed to cover off additional responsibilities and will work side by side with the
Marine and Property Manager, James Pole, to ensure continuity in Club operations. In particular, Shawn
will oversee the upstairs Bar and Galley operation; help with Member Services where needed; and,
support our accountant, Kim Ralph, as we transition to the new fiscal year.

Haul Out

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the volunteers and staff who made this year’s Club
haul out another successful, safe and efficient event. With the weather now a little bit colder than a
week ago, I suspect that except for true diehards, many of you are likely pretty eager to get your boats
out of the water and onto the hard.

Fall Information Meeting

Lastly, a short reminder that there will be a Fall Information Meeting on 6 December. This is a new
routine that is one of the changes members agreed to last December in moving the Annual Meeting to
the March timeframe. The aim here is to provide an opportunity to recap the season and have member
recognition awards.


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